Why Build the Center for Innovative Learning and Creativity?
Learning methodology, like all serious endeavors, is advancing quickly. New and innovative paths forward compel our exemplary School to provide our middle school students with the bold tools they will need to thrive. We must continue to prepare our students with the strongest A-plus formation possible to be leaders in the coming decades.
The Center for Innovative Learning, to occupy Gabriel House, will embody active learning and team teaching — exciting and proven methods that combine direct instruction and collaborative project building in highly flexible spaces. The implementation of the lesson just learned now will happen together organically for maximum adoption and benefit.
Students also will benefit from reimagined areas for creativity, including new technologies and methods. It will provide them with the knowledge, experience, understanding and skills to communicate, collaborate and think critically and creatively for the common good — to be the compassionate problem solvers our 21st century world demands. Ultimately, it prepares them for high school using the same methods the best St. Louis high schools use.
The new Center for Innovative Learning will pulsate with Catholic discipleship. Our young people are the Church of today and tomorrow. It is imperative that we address their spiritual, moral and academic needs. As Catholics, we are called to uplift the dignity of each person we come in contact with as we communicate and collaborate with them. Critical and creative thinking are needed to solve our current challenges ethically and justly. Through religion curriculum and hands-on community projects, the Catholic worldview will be infused into the Center to raise all of our students.
It was also specially-designed to provide large and small meeting space for the Parish.

First Floor
Second Floor
The Center for Innovative Learning
Level of Commitment: $150,000
The landmark Center for Innovative Learning, to be housed in the significantly renovated Gabiel House, will anchor St. Gabriel's bold plan to build bright futures for our seventh and eighth grade students primarily, and for all St. Gabriel students and parishioners, too. Your visible commitment to the Center demonstratres your deep belief in St. Gabriel's mission to form the area's best students and young Catholic desciples. St. Gabriel has never offered a naming opportunity at this level in its history.
Method of name display: Exterior and interior of the Center, and in common usage.
Please use the form link under Memorial Opportunities to pledge for the Leadership Opportunity.
Create a personal and/or family acknowledgement memorial in honor of all that St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish and School have meant to you, while creating a legacy of success for generations to come.
Sponsoring a naming opportunity for the Building Bright Futures campaign says you fully support St. Gabriel's ongoing mission to create Catholic disciples.
Please use the form link below to select the naming opportunity you would like to sponsor.
Please Note: All Naming / Memorial requests are subject to pledge card or Faith Direct completion, and are on a first-requested basis. We will be in touch to confirm your request.
All contributors at $10,000 and above will be acknowledged publicly on a campaign wall.

Our Parish and School depend upon support from parishioners like you to achieve the level of success for which we are proud. And over the years, every time there has been a vital need - from the building of the original Parish and school in 1934, the current Church in 1950, the gymnasium and stage/theater in 1960, and the School addition in 2001 - the Parish has answered. We are now planning the next phase in our School's and Parish's history and need your help.
To make a pledge to the Building Bright Futures Campaign, please complete the pledge card in your packet and return it in the pre-addressed, postage paid envelope either by mail, by dropping it off at the rectory, or by placing it the offertory basket during Mass. You can also Download a Printable Pledge Card HERE.
If you wish to have your donation auto-deducted from your bank account, please click the link below. You will be taken to our parish partner, Faith Direct. Sign-up is easy if you’re new to new to Faith Direct. If you currently have an account with Faith Direct, it is required that you sign in to your account before completing the pledge form. Parish and school families who have previously made an online donation to the parish or school should have an active Faith Direct account.
Please click HERE for the Faith Direct Campaign Pledge Page.
Or Scan the QR Code:

NOTE: All visual renderings are reprensentations only. Project features and costs are subject to change pending final fundraising results and final bidding process.