Parish Contacts
St. Gabriel the Archangel Catholic Church
6303 Nottingham Ave. |
Rectory Business Hours: |
Monday - Friday | 8:00 am - 4:00 pm |
St. Louis, MO 63109 |
314-353-6303 |
Bulletin Deadline: |
Monday @ 12:00 pm |
St. Gabriel the Archangel School
4711 Tamm Ave. St. Louis MO, 63109 | 314-353-1229 | FAX 314-353-6737
SCRIP: 314-353-6303 x102
Society of St. Vincent de Paul St. Gabriel Conference: 314-881-1100
Tribunal Advocates (Annulments): Judy Finch - 314-352-0743, Aaron Weishaar - 314-606-4880
Web Support: