Exciting things are happening at your alma mater, and we welcome your support and interest in the Building Bright Futures Campaign! St. Gabriel's has long been blessed with a rich history, generous parishioners and school families that continue to "pay it forward" to the next generation, and a deep passion for our South City roots and vibrant neighborhoods.
And now we look to investing in future generations with two much-needed construction projects ahead of us - (1) renovating Gabriel House into a state-of-the-art collaborative educational building called the Center for Innovative Learning, and (2) building a Welcome Center, an addition between the church and the rectory that will promote parish fellowship, build community, and serve as a gathering space for school, parish, and alumni events.
The Campaign is closing in on our financial goal of $5.5M. Support from our proud alumni base will help us reach our goal and continue the legacy of St. Gabriel's as the place where South City dreams come true. Please review the brochure PDF below with Campaign information specifically for our alumni, and explore the Campaign website throughout.
Your support - at any financial level - is greatly appreciated. Visit the Donate Now page to explore ways to support the Campaign, including our popular Memorial Naming Opportunities.