"so that one who belongs to God may be competent, equipped for every good work."
--2 Timothy 3:17
Boy Scout Troop 4 at St. Gabriel is one of the oldest and most active troops in the St. Louis area. Composed of boys in sixth grade through 18 years old, the troop provides a program that builds character, helps the boys gain responsibility and learn about citizenship and the outdoors. In addition to having a lot of fun, there are experiences and duties in scouting that help the boys mature into conscientious adults. The values that boys develop in Boy Scouts can help guide them through their entire lives.
- Scout Meetings
Troop 4 meets on Wednesday nights from 7:00 to 8:15 pm in the cafeteria at St. Gabriel during the school year. The first meeting of the month is reserved for the Patrol Leaders Conference, a group of boys in leadership positions in the Troop who help plan weekly meeting activities and campouts. At the meetings, boys often work on badges and rank advancement to eventually reach the Eagle Scout rank.
- Service Projects
Troop 4 participates in a number of service projects throughout the year, most notably Scouting for Food, the largest single food collection drive of its kind in the United States. Conducted over two weekends in November, the boys distribute bags on the first weekend and then return the following weekend to pick up the donated food. Each year, scouts in the St. Louis area typically collect more than 2 million pounds of food. Among the troop’s other volunteering initiatives are helping with St. Gabriel Lenten Fish Fries and assisting with the bi-annual cleaning and maintenance of Francis Park.
- Camping
Adventure is a big part of scouting, and the troop offers plenty of opportunities to experience the outdoors and learn how to camp. The troop organizes a campout about once a month to area state parks and scouting reservations, including Beaumont and S-F Scout Ranch. With canoe floats, bike trips, hikes and more, the troop takes full advantage of the region’s natural surroundings. Boys learn how to pitch a tent, cook, study wildlife and enjoy nature without leaving a trace. And they learn that teamwork is as important in scouting – and life – as it is on the sports field.
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