
Directory of Ministries and Organizations

“The Body of Christ, the Blood of Christ”

The climax of the Eucharistic liturgy is the “breaking and sharing” of the consecrated bread and the sharing of the cup, “the blood of the new and everlasting covenant.” More than a practical necessity, the presence of communion ministers provides an image of the fullness of receiving communion. More than an individual reception of our Eucharistic Lord, this ministry reflects the “one body, one spirit in Christ” celebrated and nourished in the celebration of Mass.

          • Communion ministers need to possess a love of the Eucharist and be living lives consistent with the teachings of the Church. Their role is not to be visibly confused with the distinct roles of others such as the deacon, reader, cantor, or servers.

          • In the Archdiocese of St. Louis, the minimum age for communion ministers is eighteen (as of October 1997). The ministry is open to both women and men. Published materials are readily available for the training and continuing education of communion ministers.


Fr. Mark Madden

 314-353-6303 x 123