
Directory of Ministries and Organizations

"Bear one another's burdens, and so you will fulfill the law of Christ."
--Galatians 6:2


Seeking new employment or a job change? 

Several parish job search ministry leaders formed the Catholic Employment Network (CEN) in May 2002. Chapters are sponsored and located at Catholic parishes throughout the Archdiocese. There are now 23 chapters. The St. Gabriel Chapter was started in May of 2009.

The CEN mission is to serve the St. Louis area community who need help during their job search transition by providing spiritual and practical job search support services. Individual chapters hold regular support meetings at their parish. CEN conducts workshops throughout the year at various parishes in St. Louis City, St. Louis County, and St. Charles County. Critical job search topics addressed include: resume writing, interviewing, networking, social media, and spiritual support.

If you are interested in learning effective job search techniques, having your resume reviewed, understanding ways to handle interviews, being informed of current job openings, finding out about job support organizations and workshops, or getting advice on your specific job search situation, contact Jim Bularzik at

We welcome any job leads that parishioners may have as well as volunteers to participate in helping others in job transition.  While we are a Catholic organization, you do not have to be Catholic or be a member of the parish to participate.


Jim Bularzik