"You have heard of the stewardship of God's grace that was given to me for your benefit. "
Everything we have has been given to us...our time, our work and liesure, our talents and skills, our family and friends, and our financial and material resourses. When we joyfully return our gifts to God with graditude, we come to realize that we are His sons and daughters, and we deepen our love for our brother and sisters.
"The stewardship and generosity of Catholics across the Archdiocese of St. Louis to the Annual Catholic Appeal help the Church to share Christ's love with people of many different faiths and many different needs. Their gifts keep our Catholic parishes, schools, and other ministries Alive in Christ and responsive to the genuine needs of our neighbors. The appeal is not just about helping Catholics, it is about helping all God's people," said Archbishop Robert J. Carlson.
The 2016 appeal supports a variety of programs helping people, from those who are homeless and hungry to retired priests to children from parishes and schools in need of resources.
The 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal supports the very soul of our Catholicism.
The following is a list of just some of the many ways that Annual Catholic Appeal funds strengthen our Catholic community:
- Elementary School Assistance
- Parish Emergency Assistance
- Tuition Assistance
- Parochial High School Assistance
- Parish Food Pantry Assistance
- Archdiocesan High School Assistance
- Financial Assistance for Seminaries
- Vocation Programs
- Financial Assistance for Special Education
- Respect Life Programs
- Birthright
- Catholic Charities
- Immigrant and Refugee Support
- Care for Priests
The ACA is overseen by the parish Administration and Finance Commission.