

“To desire the common good and strive towards it
is a requirement of justice and charity.”

                                                                    --Caritas in Veritate, Pope Benedict’s encyclical

JustFaith is a twenty-six week program that examines social justice issues in the light of Catholic social teaching. It is an intensive study of the Gospel’s call to serve the least among us. Sponsored by Catholic Charities, Pax Christi, Bread for the World and other organizations that serve the needy, this program includes weekly meetings with a small faith-sharing group, regular reading, two retreats, and immersion experiences where the group tours facilities that serve our community. This transformational program gives its participants the tools that a Christian needs to answer God’s call to address the needs of others. The program usually begins in late September and ends in May. JustFaith Partners include:  Bread for the World, Catholic Charities USA, Catholic Campaign for Human Development, Catholic Relief Services, Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, and Pax Christi.

JustFaith changes people...Those people change the world.


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