
Track is available to all student / athletes in grades 1- 8. Practices begin in late March, with the CYC sectional meet & playoff meet taking place in May. All athletes participate in the sectional event but must qualify to participate in the CYC Finals.
- sign ups for all grades are in the beginning of February.
- cost is $15 per child and is due by first day of practice. This fee is not included within the family fee from EZ Roster and must be paid separately.
- All students participating will receive a ‘St. Gabes Track’ t-shirt.
- To register your child, please visit Team Sideline, click on the 'Parents' tab and follow the instructions. You can also indicate if you are interested in coaching at the same time or contact Kevin McBride, Director of Track at
All players require an official CYC ID Card to participate in the program beginning in Grade 5. You can apply for your card online. You can find the upcoming sessions by going to the CYC link above.
All coaches/volunteers must have completed all the requirements of the Safe Environment Program.