Beyond Sunday is an Archdiocesan-wide campaign being conducted by the Roman Catholic Foundation of Eastern Missouri to support and strengthen Catholic Education throughout the Archdiocese of St. Louis. In 2011, Archbishop Robert J. Carlson introduced “Alive in Christ!” a strategic plan to engage the hearts and minds of young Catholics. The Roman Catholic Foundation of Eastern Missouri was established to fulfill a key promise of Alive in Christ! - to enhance financial resources for parents, schools and tuition assistance for Catholic families, so that a catholic education might be possible for all. Beyond Sunday is the Foundation’s first major initiative. This Archdiocesan-wide fundraising campaign will greatly impact our parish and school communities for generations.
Our parish goal here at St. Gabriel the Archangel is $1,350,000. This Campaign is a 60/40 campaign, meaning that if we meet our parish goal $810,000 will go towards tuition scholarships and school grants throughout the Archdiocese for the Beyond Sunday campaign and $540,000 is designated to be used for our parish needs.
With the approval of our parish leadership and our Finance Council and Pastoral Council, the major need we have right now is:
- added scholarship money for our families,
- increase our Endowment, and
- help with the costs to refurbish Gabriel House. The refurbishing of Gabriel House will include a library for our school, and needed meeting space for our youth, scouts, and adults.